Friday, 6 May 2016

True Hero Article Photo-Shopped For Supporters

The Anti Pit Bull community just can’t take the good stories that come out about Pit Bulls. It is quite evident, when they have to resort to changing headlines with LIES, like Mellie did on the walk page. But how about when they add blood, change the headline, link to another story just because the can’t handle the truth. Well that is just what they did. Once again, let’s look at the before and after:





A great story about a 13 year old deaf boy from Indianapolis that removed his hearing aid and took a nap. The families Pit Bull named Ace, starting licking the boys face to wake the boy up. Ace, a Pit Bull, a true hero. Yes, Pit Bulls can be loving animals, family pets. We proved that every day. But when the ANTI Pit Bull community has to change a good story to LIE for their cause, well, just goes to show you they are running out of things to do.
Didn’t take Pit Bulls Are Not Pets to spread the BADLY photo shopped photo. Are their supporters that stupid?

more to come.....

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