Now here we have the latest tactic being employed by pit bull hatters where they take a picture of any breed of dog and then proceed to compare that breed to pit bulls usually claiming the dog in the Meme is safe in comparison to pit bulls.
Now if they were half smart they'd actually do a little bit of research first just to confirm their claims are accurate something which obviously was not done in this instance.
At least now we know who's responsible for creating these intentionally misleading and dangerously inaccurate Meme's and the disinformation contained therein.
Unfortunately lies and disinformation seem to be the foundation stones for their alleged advocacy which in reality is little more then a hatefest.
Nice normal dogs. PET dogs for knowledgeable handlers and not always suitable to be around children. But NOT multiple killers like Pit Bulls.
As you can see by the list of links below all involving Chow Chow's and the fact is over thirty breeds/types of dogs have been involved in human fatalities and it's disinformation like this being promoted and distributed by so called public safety advocates contributing to the elevated death tolls for the last two consecutive years.
Perhaps parents that have lost children to attacks involving Chow's should sue this individual for spreading such lies?
Chow to be euthanized following attack on child in North Carolina
Searches related to chow chow attacks baby
The fact is all dogs can be dangerous in the wrong situation and it seems many parents are trying to blame their poor choices and the complete lack of supervision of a child and a pet which ultimately led to the child's death and they claim their pet is a "pit bull" in the belief that will excuse them from their liability for the part they played in their own child's death.
Now notorious pit bull haters like the Ninja will try and say pit bulls kill because of their "Genes" then the death toll would be astronomical as there's an estimated six million pit bulls resident in America and equally all dog bite related deaths would involve pit bulls if their theory had any merit however the 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs in the last decade bare witness to the fact that all dogs bite and some times kill humans.
The fact is if you're comfortable accepting another 128 deaths to non pit bull types in the coming decade too by all means support and promote breed specific legislation but if you seriously advoate for all victims support breed neutral legislation and protect the community from all dangerous dogs?
more to come.....
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