Saturday, 20 December 2014

Lame Apology………..AGAIN! By WhoisColleenLynn

Lame Apology………..AGAIN!

On December 5,2014 during a SiriusXM radio broadcast from the Star 109 channel Dr. Laura Schlessinger was recorded saying  that she was “shocked” that a local pet shelter was full of pit bulls and called them a “waste of space.” Dr. Laura then went on to say the dogs should be put down.
This statement outrage MANY Pit Bull supporters who took the the internet and voiced their opinions to Dr. Laura and her sponsors. I also voiced my opinion since I am a Pit Bull owner and a SIRIUSXM subscriber. After researching the Dr. a little further, I was appalled to find out this isn’t her first rodeo with controversy, no sir not at all.
Back in 2010 during a radio show Dr. Laura was recorded using the “n-word” numerous times with a female black caller.
CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word?
DR. LAURA: It depends how it’s said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it’s ok.
CALLER: But you’re not black, they’re not black, my husband is white.
DR. LAURA: Oh, I see, so a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can’t do much about that.
CALLER: I can’t believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the n-word, and I hope everybody heard it.
DR. LAURA: I didn’t spew out the n-word!
CALLER: You said “nigger, nigger, nigger,” and I hope everybody heard it.
DR. LAURA: Yes they did, and I’ll say it again: nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on HBO.
DR. LAURA: Why don’t you let me finish a sentence? Don’t take things out of context. Don’t NAACP me, leave them in context.
Sure Dr. Laura made an apology the next day, but the fact of the matter is, she said it, on the radio. After that incident Dr. Laura moved to satellite radio where she claimed she wanted to be able to say what’s on her mind, under her First Amendment rights.
Fast forward to this week, while broadcasting on SiriusXM, Dr. Laura under her First Amendment Right speaks about Pit Bulls. How ironic that we now have an apology, from Dr. Laura after she read some of her emails. Something tells me it wasn’t just the emails that made the Dr. apologize. Something tells me it was the sponsors that provide an outlet for the Dr. to speak. Below is Dr. Laura’s attempt at an apology. Dr. Laura apologizes for “causing any pit bull owner/fancier any distress”. But does Dr. Laura still feel that all pit bulls “should be put down?. If the answer is YES, then keep your apology as I continue to utilize my First Amendment right and email and call her sponsors.

Christy Cornell What we just witnessed happen with Dr. Laura

Christy Cornell What we just witnessed happen with Dr. Laura is a prime example of how the pitbull propaganda machine works and works so well. 

Dr. Laura's instincts were spot on. She probably didn't know a lot about the pitbull situation, but she likely heard about 
some of the attacks and instinctively felt like there was something really wrong with a domesticated dog breed that consistently attacked innocent humans, killing them. She made an off the cuff comment, not even meaning to target pitbulls and then all HELL breaks loose. She never expected to be attacked in the way she was and it probably shocked her. Dr. Laura probably started to doubt herself after hearing thousands of people tell her she was ignorant, hateful, racist, and completely wrong. PBA went after her sponsors and Dr. Laura, already doubting herself, probably wondered if it worth loosing sponsors over something she may have been mistaken about. If Dr. Laura would have been thoroughly educated about the truth of pitbulls, she may have been able to stand up to the pressure, but it is doubtful she knew what WE know. If only one of us had been able to reach her in time, we could have helped her, we could have given her the tools (information and support) she needed to stand up to the propaganda. 

I remember how I was when I first started speaking out against pitbulls. I wasn't very knowledgeable. I didn't have strong arguments and plenty of times a PBA was able to easily beat me in a debate. It was only after joining these FB groups and watching other pro-BSL people that I became better able to combat the pitbull propaganda. I have learned so much just by listening to everyone pro-BSL debate nutters on FB and on other Internet websites. I am still learning new things almost every day. But, I still have those moments of doubt, briefer as I go along, but I wonder if I am doing the right thing. I love dogs, have always loved them and it is completely unnatural to me to be calling for dog breed's extinction. I don't hate dogs. Deep down, I don't even hate pitbulls, I feel sorry for them. But I love humans above all and these dogs are killing humans at a rate that can't be acceptable for a domesticated animal. Wild animals don't routinely kill people the way that pitbulls commonly do. 

Americans generally love dogs. We are raised watching Disney movies that teach us that all dogs ( and animals in general) are good, heroic friends of mankind. Long ago, the " No bad dogs, only bad owners." mentality was pushed by dog trainers and veterinarians. Eventually that way of thinking was accepted as fact by most animal lovers and not questioned. That worked out ok for the most part back the, but these days so many of the fighting breeds have become trendy pets, so a no bad dogs mentality doesn't work anymore. It's gonna take a long time to reverse our current no bad dog ( and no bad breed) mentality. 

If I ever had to face the harassment that Dr. Laura faced, I hope I could stand up to it, but who knows for sure. I know for sure I couldn't be as strong as some of my fellow BSL advocates. I see the unbelievable amount of harassment that Jeff Borchardt ( and several others) have faced after speaking out about what happened to them. I am amazed by the strength and resolve they have. These are strong people to be able to selflessly endure what they do. They want to prevent others from going thorough the pain they have had to endure. Others would include the ignorant or deceived pitbull owners, their family, friends and anyone their pitbull may encounter. 

In my opinion, we need to remember all this when we try to understand how it is possible that perfectly intelligent people end up owning pitbulls and being supportive of them. This is why I have such sympathy for people whose (formerly) trusted pets/family dogs end up attacking. Those pitbull owners are victims too in a way because they were convinced or cowered into accepting these high risk dogs. They may have had their reservations at first, but of course the propaganda is overwhelming and their common sense based objections are over ridden by the media, friends, and family telling them they are wrong (Get educated!).

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Sirius XM's Dr. Laura wants all Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes killed

Sirius XM's Dr. Laura wants all Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes killed

Dr. Laura stated all Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes should die
Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images
12/17/14 Update: Thanks to the volumes of calls from my wonderful readers and all who have shared this story , will no longer be sponsoring the Dr. Laura show. Your voices are being heard!Keep it up!
Send a pic of your dog to @drlauraprogram #Drlaurawhydoyouwantmedead?
On Monday December 16, 2014 on a segment titled “Ways to fight Loneliness”, Dr. Laura Schlessinger was talking about visiting an animal shelter near her home and was shocked to see that they were all full of pit bulls. On her show on the STARS channel on Sirius xm, Dr. Laura proceeded to say she thought pit bulls were a waste of space and should all be put down.
Upon calling her screener for her radio show and requesting a comment for this story I was hung up on. A twitter request for comment was not responded to either.
Let’s join together and let Dr. Laura, Sirius and her sponsors know we disagree with her!
Some of the sponsors of the program can be found below. A sample message might read “Did you know one of the folks you sponsor on air just said all pit bulls should be killed? Dr. Laura just made that comment. Is that someone you want to sponsor, someone that advocates killing dogs?
The popcorn factory
Also Sirius can be reached at:
I hope all Pit Bull lovers will let their voices be heard.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Aw…(The Way it was Meant to Be)~ ZOMBIESANDDOGS

Aw…(The Way it was Meant to Be)

(*Originally the number 66 was used, which our favorite Willy Billy pointed out was incorrect- even though he loves to tell me- “no one reads your blog anyways bitch”.- but he sure does…..)
You know what’s super duper sweet? When Foamers sit around and pat each other on the back.
Freda has a dogs. Dobermans. Even though they were responsible for 9 deaths from 1979 to 1998- that’s okay cuz they are not those damned pit bulls! Well, according to victims advocate Willy Billy- that’s not SO bad. 9 mauling deaths from a large powerful dog is doable (now, since many maulings are done by multiple mixed breeds that are labeled “pit mixes” the death toll could very be much higher.). Who knows just how many attacks and injuries on humans and dogs since according to many dog attacks go unreported.
Isn’t it nice how these pit hating BSL advocates don’t condemn her for having dogs that are capable of fatalities. Not a big deal- being mauled by a Doberman isn’t as bad as….?
Wait- what? So- it’s fine if another breed bites or defends itself… Just not pit bulls. Got it.
According to Daxton’s Friends- “In North America, from 1982-2013, Akitas and their mixes have been responsible for 75 serious attacks on humans that resulted in 8 fatalities. Forty-two of the victims were children. “- but THOSE are ok because…. They are not done by pit bulls, right Mr. Sloan?
Are you noticing a pattern here? It’s fine if they own dogs that have bitten, attacked and have left 9+ countless others people dead- cuz ATLEAST it’s not the same as a pit bull.


Sunday, 14 December 2014



Colleen Lynn- the founder of, supposed victim of a questionable provoked dog attack and general fear monger, liar and all around piece of crap.
She loves her propaganda.
Well look at that- guess who provided that statistic- Mr. Debunked himself.
Let’s look at the real numbers-
“Over 7,000 children are hospitalized or killed due to gun violence every year, according to a new study published in the medical journal Pediatrics.” MSNBC writes. “3,000 children die from gun injuries before making it to the hospital, bringing the total number of injured or killed adolescents to 10,000 each year.”
In the 2009 Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID), 2,149 children injured were accidents.
The American Academy of Pediatrics wrote in 2012 that “firearm-related deaths continue as 1 of the top 3 causes of death in American youth.” Did you notice that? “Firearm-related deaths continue as 1 of the top 3 causes of death in American youth.”Not pit bulls.
— In 2011,14,675 people were wounded in an unintentional shooting but survived.
— Most unintentional shooting deaths occur in the home (65 percent), based on data from 16 states. The most common context of the death (30 percent) was playing with the gun.
The reality? Guns pose a bigger threat to our children and families than any dog. The reality? Lack of supervision, irresponsibility and recklessness – all actions that can have a tragic ending because of human error.
Even more reality? Guns have and always wreck havoc and create a massive body count far greater than any breed of dog ever will.
1. Demand honesty from Dogsbite.Org
2. Demand real legitimate statistics that coincide with governmental organizations.
3. Demand that Colleen Lynn be held responsible for her deceptive practices.
Let our politicians know just how deceptive and dangerous really is.