Thursday, 15 October 2015

Lesley Karen Luscombe is not a Pit Bull Identification expert she's actually a victim bashing pit bull hating fanatic!!

Lesley Karen Luscombe is exposing the true nature of not only herself but this alleged community safety orientated facebook group whic h seems to be "victim" bashing and I'm relatively sure I know why, this is what happens if you won't jump on the crazy train with these loony tunes they'll crucify you as you can see they're are doing to this poor woman.

Joanna McGinn is in charge of the child protection services branch of their group constantly recommending Cps be contacted any time a parent dares to post videos or pictures of their children interacting with their pets consistently forgetting that someone's operating the camera and accusing parents of neglecting and abusing their children only if she thinks the dog involved is a pit bull.

My name is Kenny. I am 20 months old.
I am from Fayetteville, North Carolina. I have just come out of hospital.
I was nearly killed in August of this year, when I was mauled by my mother's 90lb Pit Bull 'Cratos'.
Mom says that Cratos was spooked because we climbed some stairs together, me and my mom. It seems a funny thing to try and kill a kid for, climbing the stairs, but that's what mommy says.
My mom keeps 6 Pit Bulls at home. My family had been investigated by Social Services before this happened to me - I wonder why they thought it was okay to let Mom keep those dogs around me. Don't they KNOW that Pit Bulls are NOT Nanny Dogs, and that they kill little kids like me every year? If Mom couldn't protect me, shouldn't Social Services have protected me better than they did?
I have been mutilated on my jaw-line, my forehead and my chin. I am in foster care now. I feel safe there.
Mom cannot have me home until she has no more dogs.
I wish my face was okay again. I hope people will not stare at me too much. I can't help my scars.
Please help other little children like me. Tell everyone that Pit Bulls hurt little kids, and kill them too. Tell all the mommies to be good mommies, and keep us kids safe. Tell everyone that Pit Bulls are not worth the risk. Cratos used to love me and kiss me, and Mommy thought he was safe.
Mommy was wrong. Cratos tried to kill me.
My name is Kenny.
19 people like this.
DJuana Jean Flowers That "mom" doesn't deserve children and should not have them back. Seriously maladjusted adult.
Eve Sylvie Findings suggest that the ownership of a high-risk ("vicious") dog can be a significant marker for general deviance and should be an element considered when assessing risk for child endangerment.
Eve Sylvie Named the dog Cratos after title character in God of War video game. Interesting name for a nanny dog.
Laurel Davis my eyes are leaking--but I'm also so angry. this "mother" should do prison time.
Lisa Trujillo Makes me so angry! I want to copy your words and share but my phone won't let me copy your words along with the post.
Lisa Trujillo Never mind it copied. Thanks Lesley Karen Luscombe!
Heather Jackson Hmmm where did that family that posted the you tube videos of the little girl with the huge pit bulls at feeding time ? Anyone remember? Who lets a tenant keep 6 pit bulls in an apartment ?
Lisa Trujillo Right Heather Jackson and seriously isn't there a law that stipulates how many dogs you can have in a residential neighborhood? I was wondering if it's a private 501 c 3 rescue then are they allowed to keep as many dogs as they want?
Joanna McGinn it would depend on the local regulations... and to get a variance like that they would have to appeal to the local council at a public hearing.... several of my Cairn friends have gotten some breeders shut out of neighborhoods and some questionable 'rescues' as well. It CAN be done.
Heather Jackson True Lisa , I doubt they are a rescue though. Very few rescues in apartments. Maybe that's a reason that they didn't just need to get rid of the dogs but they had to actually move. I bet they were evicted for breaking the rules. How would they take the dogs out to go potty ? 6 big dogs pooping in the house I bet that they completely destroyed the place and it needed to be gutted. OCS wouldn't make someone move if the living conditions were ok they would just have them get rid of the animals.
Linda Ann Incredibly tragic that this poor child now has his face like this and has had to endure this much pain. I just will never understand the cold hearted monsters who can post pictures and other nonsense about how sweet their darling pibbles are. They are disgusting just like their mutant maulers.
Bonny Thomas Lee well folks, I am choosing to believe this story from Fayetteville NC is actually "The Onion", posing as a real news story. Otherwise, it would make me cry. Bonny
Bonny Thomas Lee I know the story is true Peggy, just wish it was not. Bonny
Peggy Severson I wished it weren't true too......Poor babies who have been mauled. When will it end?
Like23 hrs
Donnalyn Wigan ((Hugs))
Like21 hrs
Joanna McGinn I just wonder how long will CPS keep this case 'open' and do inspections once he's returned. It's not like caseworkers are sitting around doing their nails or playing words with friends... my guess is that within a year of closing the case, 'egg donor' will have PBs back in the apartment and there will be another tragedy. Basically, people like that, unless you have long term and intensive parenting therapy, don't change.
Joanna McGinn I would like to comment that this is one of the first/rare times that CPS HAS stepped in.... think of how often our lament is 'where is CPS????' are they beginning to wake up? One can only hope that they are.
Lesley Karen Luscombe They arrived late to the party, Joanna.

They had been to the house several times before and done nothing. They must have seen those dogs.

Then little Kenny was mauled.

They were too late to save his face, and he could so easily have lost his life. They failed him.
Joanna McGinn There must be other things as well... I can't imagine CPS shaking itself out for 'just' a PB in the house... they haven't before now... mreph so IMO this case bears watching.
Like23 hrs
Julia Lewis It says the mother can't have Kenny back until she has no more dogs. Now why on earth didn't she get rid of them straight away so he didn't have to go elsewhere?
Like723 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe Pit hag fur mommy. She lubs her sweet Pittie. Probably in deep mourning for the loss of Kraken or whatever the gripping would-be killer Pit was called.

She blamed 'walking up stairs' with her son as the catalyst for attack.

What a wicked fruit-loop.
Like423 hrs
Donnalyn Wigan She may be breeding them. $$$$$$
Like221 hrs
Donnalyn Wigan Omg, this is the baby who was mauled during Pit Bull Week! I posted an update on him maybe a week or so ago, and I've been waiting and waiting for the authorities to release his name and to see his face! So glad he's out of hospital! It is sad to see how preventable it all was (once again).
Like623 hrs
Sarah Howard Six dogs, two toddlers....
Like417 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Low intelligence
Like210 hrs
Vonnie Harvey Dunn All of you are just totally ignoring the fact that the toddler provoked the dog. He was walking up the stairs! Wouldn't that unusual behavior provoke ANY dog to attack?
Like13 hrs
Sarah Elizabeth Burke So sad. Kenny is in my prayers cry emoticon

Now if this poor woman had of thrown her pets under the bus taken a big swig of the kool aide and joined these fools in their pit bull eradication campaign they'd be defending her but the fact is she's not willing to sacrifice her pets because of a tragic accident and so they'll persecute her making up lies and spreading mis-information.

If they'd actually read the article they'd realize that little Kenny is already home and was only allowed to go to a home without dogs which would indicate the mother got rid of the dogs which can't have been Pit Bulls anyway as pit bulls range from 35-65 lb at 95 lb there's no way the dog was a legitimate papered American Pit Bull Terrier.

Unfortunately this seems to be another case whereby APBT's are being blamed and used by the media to get more distribution and we already know that the hate groups couldn't identify an APBT if their life depended on it.

Lesley Karen Luscombe and Joanna McGinn are not public safety advocates they are pit bull haters plain and simple and they'll use victims or any other methods they have to in order to cause the eradication of pit bulls luckily they not all that smart which is consistent with being a hater.

more to come......

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