Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Pit Bull ordinance fails again and Lori Welbourne & Co are butt hurting bad

Well the foamers are jumping up and down because not only did their push for a pit bull ordinance in Pineville fail the council is considering removing the "pit bull' language in the new dangerous dog ordinances and as you can see Lori Welbourne whom has recently been booted as a contributor following the publishing of anti pit bull propaganda pieces and now it seems she's really had a gullet load of the kool aide because she bought into the whole pit bull hater line about being a part of a "silent majority".

A packed house with mostly pit bull owners. No surprise there. I wish the silent majority would stop being so silent.
Bill Melugin FOX 46
[PIT BULL ORDINANCE] Banning pit bulls from being in public? Tonight the Town Council of Pineville listened to members of the public speak about an ordinance that would force pit bull owners to keep the dogs in their homes or yards with a fence at least 6 feet in height. No action was taken, but the Council says they are considering removing the pit bull language from the possible ordinance after several pit bull owners spoke.
8 people like this.
Jeff Borchardt And how many of those pit bull owners actually live there? Is a 6 foot fence enough? The lady at the end said, "let's label a vicious dog vicious after it has proven to be vicious."....Because then it's too late dummy. The victim has already been created. Pit bull type dogs are bred NOT to show signs of aggression because it was an advantage in the fighting ring.
Like1211 hrsEdited
Helga Joubert I think the silent majority just doesn't know it's something to worry about. When I tell people about some of the crazy antics of the pit lunatics (like those ugly comments sent to Jeff Borchardt about playing with his son's head, for example) they are truly horrified. When I tell people about the percentage of deaths by pit bulls compared to normal dogs, again they are horrified. What doesn't seem to register, though, is that a pit bull attack can happen to anyone, and at any time. To most Americans it's still just a bizarre, random thing that happens to somebody else.
Like1011 hrs
Julie Wall Just talk to your mail man. They know exactly where the dangerous dogs live.
Like511 hrs
Helga Joubert Two years ago I was visiting a relative in her home. She owns three pit bulls. They were in my face and in my son's face, and I didn't like it (horrible slobbery things), but I had no idea of the danger. I think that's most Americans.
Like811 hrs
Jeff Borchardt That was me too Helga. I didn't like them but didn't really think about it beyond that. I knew they were dog aggressive but never thought they would hurt people. Let alone kill them.
Like611 hrs
Lori Welbourne Same. I stayed away from them like I do all dangerous dogs, but until Tamie's son was attacked in the face 4 years ago, I had no clue about even a fraction of what I've learned since then.
Like611 hrs
Julie Wall I warned this city council that they would be bombarded with pit bull advocates even though they only represent 1.5 of the US population.
Like911 hrs
Lori Welbourne They're very good at making it seem like they represent the majority.
Like511 hrs
Lori Welbourne The former mayor of Kelowna was telling me the other day that a few years ago when there were protests to save an attack dog that was on death row, people came in from out of town on a bus wearing matching t-shirts that said "Save Diesel" on them, and when he brought up the option of BSL the gallery booed him. The bylaws were never made stricter and there have been several human and animal attacks since then, some of the latter have been fatal frown emoticon
Like511 hrs
Nancy Perdue There must be big money coming from this insanity, otherwise why would the law keep taking the side of the Pitbull lovers over the victim's side who just wants safety? As for the fence height for Pitbulls it should be 10 feet and up. Too many Pitbulls have climbed & jumped 6 foot fences along with chewing their way through them.
Like29 hrs
Bob Tarpey Victims of D.D.L.S. (delusional dog lovers syndrome) WILL DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT THEIR BABY.
Like42 hrsEdited
David Natalizia The fact that most of these dogs are placid and sweet for extended periods of time makes it a larger danger, as people are surprised when they regularly follow their breed traits - attacking without provocation or warning, causing massive damage from their attacks, and ignoring pain as people try anything they can to get the dog to stop. There is no way of knowing which ones will eventually attack, it's not how they're raised, it's not how they're treated, it's not how sweet they've been for how long, it's not how cute of an outfit they are paraded in.
Like69 hrs
Joanna McGinn It's a disorder called 'MISPLACED TRUST" aka "UNEDUCATED TRUST".
Like17 hrs
William Johnson Because the silent majority hasn't been personally affected. When I talk to people about pit bulls and the daily attack stories most people do not want to be anywhere near a pit bull, they certainly do not want one next door. Public votes in Aurora and Miami confirm this. Put it on the ballot anywhere with successful BSL and the voters will vote to keep it. 

I was always aware of the dangers of pit bulls. But before one tried to kill my daughter, I would not have attended a legislative meeting or been actively campaigning for common sense regulations.
Like93 hrsEdited
Annie Cowan Brown Maybe instead of talking about the dog attacks we talk about attacks on the victims and try to get THOSE stories into news EVERYWHERE. It takes being directly involved in a situation for most people to internalize it. It may flip the switch for alot of folks to hear that people are victimized AGAIN after their/their child's attack. It takes the judgemt situation off of the dog and onto the people's behavior. (while STILL raising awareness) Why not put together a news piece with a collection of stories from victims who are being revictimized? Jeff Borchardt would be the lead story.
Like43 hrs
William Johnson Nobody knows more about pit bulls than pit bull attack victims, dogfighters are next. Pit bull "advocates" with their nanny dog and lick you to death bullshit are mentally ill.
Like43 hrs
Annie Cowan Brown Lets put yogether the stories of harrassment after the fact, evidence. I think we could send it to newspapets everywhere.
Like23 hrs
Lori Welbourne Annie: I wrote about this in a recent column using Jeff's experience in particular. It deserves a lot more attention though. I agree that people would be shocked to know how the victims continue to get victimized if they dare say a word. It's so disgusting.
Like22 hrs

These people are absolutely astounding with their allegations they claim to be victims of bullying whereas is 99% of the instances it's them doing the attacking and abusing and doxing..... 


If you point out to Jeff Borchardt that the vet reports for the dogs involved in his son's death say they were "Boxer" mixes, well that's victim bashing apparently, who knew?

Now if Jeff D Borchardt tells your twelve year old daughter to smear her genitalia with peanut butter and let her "mauler" lick it off, that's perfectly ok apparently because he's a grieving father.

And if Mix Master Bogart tells his followers he's going to poisons his neighbors dog with anti freeze if it looks like a pit bull, that's perfectly ok apparently because he's a grieving father.

These people are not advocates they are delusional they think the whole world should curtail to their irrational fears of a breed or type of dog and not only that but they're only too willing to use and abuse victims if it suits their purposes which all focus on eradicating pit bulls they are dangerous as most have criminal records to varying degrees including Jeff Borchardt with drug charges and drunk driving offences.

more to come...... 


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