As you read through their comments you'll soon realize these people are everything but public safety advocates and are willing to lie and fear monger in order to eradicate pit bulls the majority of them have criminal records of varying degrees and are obviously in need of counselling for their conditions?
Congratulations all you Michigan senators for voting yes on SB 239. We'll be giving you Michigan pit bull attack updates as they come in.
You're welcome.
Despite continuously wining about not being able to get support for their silly petitions and such they claim to be the majority which is a blatant lie and as you can see Tony Solesky is there lying his face off the Maryland decision was abrogated (repealed) and now only applies to papered purebred American Pit Bull Terriers and Tony knows it too but still talks himself up when in reality he ran for council in Baltimore he got 213 votes the equates to 0.1% of the vote which is to be expected with his outrageous lobbying and outright lies and misinformation.
A number of the haters are accusing the officials in Michigan of taking bribes in order to pass the bill in spite of having no evidence or proof to support their claims however if you've dealt with the haters you'd be aware they don't let a little thing like "FACTS" get in the road of a good rant.
The fact is before long breed specific legislation will be nothing more then a bad memory but these people will always be ignorant lying A holes and the evidence of that will be on the internet for all to see.
You'll notice that one person asked if the victim was from Michigan and the lack of response from boofhead would seem to indicate NO, there's actually 3 different victims in the post and you can bet that Jeff has not asked their parents permission to use their pictures as he never does and if you complain he'll tell you "too bad", the thing is these people have little alternative but to act in this manner because their so called stats are rubbish and they don't seem to use actual facts or legitimate animal organizations and in fact use Merrit Clifton's junk science to dispute the facts.
If you only want to stop deaths involving pit bull Bsl is the go but if you're legitimately serious about community safety we need to try and stop all deaths and not just those involving banned breeds?
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