Monday, 12 October 2015

Jeff Butt hurting because Michigan banned Bsl, Jeff hates Pit Bulls.

Jeff Borchardt is butt-hurting because Michigan didn't buy his propaganda  and voted in legislation preventing Breed specific Legislation from being enacted which is in the best interests of the community if you're wanting to stop all the deaths whereas boofhead and his mob are only interested in killing pit bulls. 

As you read through their comments you'll soon realize these people are everything but public safety advocates and are willing to lie and fear monger in order to eradicate pit bulls the majority of them have criminal records of varying degrees and are obviously in need of counselling for their conditions?

Congratulations all you Michigan senators for voting yes on SB 239. We'll be giving you Michigan pit bull attack updates as they come in.
You're welcome.
  • 36 people like this.
  • Comments
    • Mia Johnson "Place the onus where it belongs — on the pet owner — by enforcing laws designed to ensure proper supervision of dogs." Please, someone, tell me which pit bull owners are capable of proper supervision. Of holding the leash and never taking their eyes off or letting go for the rest of their life. How much did Robertson get paid for this.
      • Sally House Even if that were possible, how logical is this? It's not legal to subject children to other forms of risk even if they don't get hurt. Drive around with a baby not fastened into a proper child seat? ILLEGAL, even if no harm occurs. Why is this so different? Why do they want to gamble with children's lives? Why do they think holding pet owners accountable will make everything right after the owner's dog kills their neighbor's child?
    • Helga Joubert It doesn't even matter whether it's the owner or the breed--pit bull owners have had decades to get it together and figure out what it takes to raise the breed safely, and they continue to FAIL. Eliminate pit bulls and they can go be stupid owners with some other breed that's less dangerous.
    • Susan George Honestly? I think they are succeeding marvelously at what they set out to do. I don't know what the hell is going on with humanity as they appear to enjoy the carnage, and the power of killing and the freedom of getting away with it.
    • Josephine Mitchell Omg poor child when is it going to stop
    • Josephine Mitchell My son was playing in the yard and was attack so I know how it fills to see u child like this
    • Don Bauermeister If you could fill the Senators inbox and fax machines with pit bull attacks in their State, I would think you could change some minds. Also, fatal attacks from pit bulls in neighboring States could be impactful.
      • Carol Miller When I testified in the Ohio Senate I had stacks of printed out articles on pit bull attacks, divided into districts. I mailed them to most of the Senators but for those on the committee that was hearing the bill I took them with me and left the lectern to hand them to each lawmaker with a few remarks about their own attacks. "Here are your maulings Senator Wagoner, the Toledo Blade does not cover pit bull maulings but your local television stations do, and some of yours are epic." The looks on their faces showed me that they had no idea what to make of this, never seen it before. 

        They voted for the damn thing anyway. Here is the reality, lawmakers, without any real reason to do otherwise, will vote the party line. They vote for what they have been told to vote for by senior members of their party.
      • Liza Vespi I love that! "Here are your maulings, Senator." Brilliant, Carol.
      • Susan George Talk about $ BLOOD MONEY $ see? I told you it isn't ignorance, it's corruption! Sickening, and frustrating. When ever in any area of law or medicine, when you hear the word controversy, switch it out for corruption and you'll know the truth.
    • Don Bauermeister The same goes for the Governor and his office staff.
    • Linda Ann And we should name every one of them each time and list their districts
    • Ashley Walker No! frown emoticon so horrible!!! Why do people think these dogs are safe?! Argh!!!
    • John Wright They have been shamed into not voting for anything politically incorrect or anything that could be called discrimination even against an animal.
    • Helga Joubert John Wright I think that's exactly what it is. What a nightmare it is for a politician to be labeled a racist or a bigot. Even if it's only about dogs, they don't want those words connected to their name. A vote against BSL does two things: It eliminates the risk of this sort of bad press, and it's simultaneously a warm fuzzy feel-good thing for them to show how big-hearted and broad-minded they are. They see it as a look-at-me-see-how-wonderful-I-am vote, and they vote that way because they have no frigging idea what they're really doing. People have no reason to be aware of the pit bull problem unless they are a victim.
      Education and awareness is what these politicians need. Every serious mauling needs to be brought to their attention if they're ignorant enough to support the pit bull advocacy. Better yet, they should meet victims and see the scars (or fresh wounds) in person. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and we need to become as in-your-face as the pit freaks are, minus the heartlessness and trashiness. If they're hearing the same amount of noise from both sides, they will then choose which side they would rather listen to.
    • Julie Wall Is this little girl from MI?
    • Pame Ashley Those are three different girls. The wounds look so similar. Pit Bull Stigmata.
    • Tracey Rhodes It's time all victims and loved ones of victims have a huge Demonstration on the Capitol Hill steps. It's time to start fighting back with the evidence that can't be denied !
    • Pam Cunard I have been seeking HELP for Pit Bull awareness, law changes, and state capital march for GEORGIA for many months now. Can't get any interest! Georgia is one ignorant state, with some heartless, ignorant people when it comes to Pit Bull or any dog attacks! They just do NOT care for victims, period!!!
    • Pame Ashley Pam Cunard. We knowAngela ProvoTony SoleskyJeff Borchardt Jennifer Martin Kim Sarah Howard and I spoke at the state capitol to no avail after Beau was killed.
    • Jennifer Martin Kim Yep. We know Georgia all too well. We're willing to help any way we can though Pam Cunard. We won't stop until laws are changed.
      • Pam Cunard I attempted an Petition, but could not get enough signatures. i would love to get this to the state capital, for the law makers to see. Another group tried this in the past, but naturally, Georgia didn't want any part of it. Maybe this time could be the right time! Help would be fantastic! Thank you.
      • Jennifer Martin Kim Let me know what you need from me. Inbox me info. smile emoticon
    • Jennifer Martin Kim Insane how similar all the wounds of these precious kids are. It literally makes me ill.
    • Joanie Caldwell-Kenoshmeg Messaged you emoticon
    • Lisa Jordan Because of the ignorance of people , this little girl has to live with scars on her face. Ridiculous
    • Julie Wall Best Friends admitted it is a numbers game. We need to recruit Michigan people to help stop this bill. This type of bill was passed in Mn 2008. I was totally unaware about this bill until a few months ago and get this a year prior there was a senator trying to ban pit bulls but it failed. I was totally unaware this was happening. This process has sour me a bit how special interests get laws passed without the general public input.
    • Kathleen Horton Are the SB239-voting senators' bank accounts getting fat? Can they really be gullible enough to swallow the pro-pibble propaganda? Are they on drugs?
    • Sarah Howard 12&3 smile emoticon
    • Liza Mae Disgusted! FOI would show the long and dirty tentacles of Berkey and her ilk.
    • Tony Solesky I don't know ,maybe I am on drugs but the outcome does not bother me. I feel no less inclined to spread awareness, than if they had passed a ban like the one they have but is ignored in PG county Maryland or a court ruling that declares them Inherently Dangerous or a law that was drafted in the Maryland Legislature as a result of the ruling. I also know that when it goes against the animal lobby, they do not feel inclined to not push back. More importantly, they are ever pressured and driven to it because their shelters are overflowing, not because they have been or will they be, unburdened by the law. People do not care for these dogs as a whole and those on the fence, in fact most people that are not cops or attorneys, probably do not 10 laws about any subject. The battle and keeping it high profile is where it is won or lost. That people are even talking about our issue. Just like the election campaigns. More people focus on the issue at that time than after the election is over, no matter who wins And the supporters of either side go onto the next battle. 10 years ago, none of us would have been fighting this same battle. We only need continue to provide resources and grow our movement . I actually thought we were quite effective in Georgia with the media coverage. While I have talked to legislators in many states, I have never seen them , their support or rejection, as anything to build my commitment , goals and awareness efforts upon.

Despite continuously wining about not being able to get support for their silly petitions and such they claim to be the majority which is a blatant lie and as you can see Tony Solesky is there lying his face off the Maryland decision was abrogated (repealed) and now only applies to papered purebred American Pit Bull Terriers and Tony knows it too but still talks himself up when in reality he ran for council in Baltimore he got 213 votes the equates to 0.1% of the vote which is to be expected with his outrageous lobbying and outright lies and misinformation.

A number of the haters are accusing the officials in Michigan of taking bribes in order to pass the bill in spite of having no evidence or proof to support their claims however if you've dealt with the haters you'd be aware they don't let a little thing like "FACTS" get in the road of a good rant.

The fact is before long breed specific legislation will be nothing more then a bad memory but these people will always be ignorant lying A holes and the evidence of that will be on the internet for all to see.

You'll notice that one person asked if the victim was from Michigan and the lack of response from boofhead would seem to indicate NO, there's actually 3 different victims in the post and you can bet that Jeff has not asked their parents permission to use their pictures as he never does and if you complain he'll tell you "too bad", the thing is these people have little alternative but to act in this manner because their so called stats are rubbish and they don't seem to use actual facts or legitimate animal organizations and in fact use Merrit Clifton's junk science to dispute the facts.

If you only want to stop deaths involving pit bull Bsl is the go but if you're legitimately serious about community safety we need to try and stop all deaths and not just those involving banned breeds?

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