Now Jeff didn't have to go to all this trouble as any one that's been exposed to the Dj knows he hates pit bulls in spite of the fact that the dogs involved in his son's death were obviously "Boxer" mixes.
Jeff Borchardt shared Jeff D. Borchardt's photo.
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This is on the front cover of a special edition by Trib Total Media. Our ads also included 30 radio ads. Click here to listen:…/daxonsfriendscom-new-radio-ad
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Jeff D. Borchardt
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Thank you for your donations to make ads like this possible.
This is on the front cover of a special edition by Trib Total Media. Our ads also included 30 radio ads. Click here to listen:…/daxonsfriendscom-new-radio-ad
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to to continue helping us raise awareness about dog breeds and save lives!
I've asked Jeff many times how these ads using discredited statistics from sham unreliable organizations actually helps victims but he's yet to answer and to be honest I'm not expecting a response because I'm a man and Boofhead's too cowardly to try and bully men.
It's becoming increasingly evident that Jeff's more interested in his five minutes of fame then actually helping victims other wise he wouldn't be promoting the lies that have led to escalated dog bite victims for the second year running as any reasonably intelligent person can tell you "ALL DOGS BITE" and many dog breeds have been involved in fatalities.
Anytime you want to debate or discuss this blog or any of the others I've written feel free to comment boofhead?