Thursday, 1 October 2015

Julia Lewis's story about the 60 year old woman versus a pit bull and she came out alive!!

Julia Lewis has created a new breed, "LURCHER"  one can only assume she means pit bulls as the majority of her hate activity is focused on pit bulls and their owners.

Now it seems Julia can't see the irony of her own story in spite of all their claims about pit bulls not letting go of their prey this frail unwell 60 year old wrestled a "lurcher" off of her little pooch and actually dragged it into a room locking the door behind it and lived to tell her tale!

Don't be fooled by Bull Lurchers! (Pit bulls crossed with lurchers). They are not the same as ordinary lurchers as a friend of mine has just found out.

This friend got asked by her sister if she could pop in to see if her dogs were OK because she was going to be out all day.

My friend knows her sister's two dogs very well as does her own dog, a little roughcoated terrier cross. She knew the bull lurcher had become aggressive towards dogs when out on walks but thought it saw her dog Toby as a friend. She was totally unprepared for what happened.
As she let herself and Toby into her sister's home, the bull lurcher attacked Toby and clamped its jaws in a vice-like grip over his back.
My friend, who is in her late sixties, is small and frail and in bad health. She told me she didn't know where she got her strength from but when she saw Toby in the grip of this dog, she grabbed its collar and started hitting it until it finally let go.
But then it turned on her! Somehow, and she doesn't know how, she managed to wrestle it into the kitchen, still hanging on to its collar, and shut the door.
She then took Toby and drove to her son's house to tell him what had happened. She thought she was in control but when she started to tell him what had happened she burst into tears with delayed shock.
The sister turned up at her house the next day with a bunch of flowers, saying something must have set her dog off. (These people are the same the world over).
My friend was lucky. She found strength she didn't know she had and somehow managed it so the dog didn't get a grip on her. And Toby, though terrified, was only bruised.
I told her never to set foot in her sister's house again, unless they got rid of the dog.

I'd like to ask all the so called dog experts commenting below if their whole "it's in their genetics" Bs is for real how is it that any breed other then fighting dogs attack kill and maim humans , pets and farm animals alike? 

I won't hold my breathe waiting for a response from these people as when asked the hard questions they resort to infantile name calling stalking and eventually doxing because the fact is their whole argument is based on lies from a washed up journo that's got skin as thick as a rhino with numerous articles, forums and blogs disputing every facet of his so-called stats which have never been peer reviewed which in itself is enough to have your average reasonably intelligent person can quickly discern and discard as the propaganda.
  • 15 people like this.
  • Comments
    • Jeffrey Sloan That could have been a tragedy. Idiots!
    • DJuana Jean Flowers Thank God it wasn't worse. Now, if that gal does not get rid of the offender, she is a terrible person.
    • Liza Vespi So glad it didn't turn out the way we know it can!
    • Mary Jones My sister is also in denial about her bull arab pig hunting dog that weighs 52kg that she got from the local shelter that as a puppy,(which the shelter described as a 'medium sized cattle dog'). She treats it like a lap dog and calls it a 'big softie'. She seems to forget that on walks it strangles itself on a choker chain to growl and bark and lunge at other dogs. She once told me if she took it to the dog park it would kill every other dog in there :s. Why are people so blind?
    • Bill Hyslop i don't know what a lurcher is but if a dog will set off like that he needs a bullet in the head.
    • Jeffrey Sloan Bull lurcher aka pit bull mix:
    • Julia Lewis A lurcher is a greyhound crossed with another sighthound, ie greyhound-saluki, greyhound-whippet, greyhound-bedlington, greyhound-wolfhound. They are v. common in the UK and were originally poachers' dogs. (Poachers were poor country people who used these dogs to hunt game for food from the wealthy landowners' estates, which was illegal). Sorry, I'm only explaining this because I'm not sure if people over in the US know about poachers. Anyway, lurchers are diffident, slightly aloof dogs that are very gentle with people. Crossing them with pit bulls changes them to something very different.
    • Jeffrey Sloan As a rule of thumb, anything with "bull" as part of the name is (either fully or partially) descended from the animal torturer line of the old UK.
    • Julia Lewis I hate to see a gentle breed of dog changed like that. Also, creating such a hyper athletic, incredibly fast dog with the pit bull ferocity seems to me very unsporting. At least hares stood a chance when being chased by a lurcher. They don't with a bull lurcher.
    • Brenda Carr The dog was set off by it's own genetics. It's that plain and simple.
    • Merritt Clifton Lurchers are NOT a gentle dog with anything in their prey range, for example cats and rabbits. A bull lurcher would combine the prey drive of a lurcher with the lack of inhibition of a pit bull about attacking larger animals & humans.
    • Nicholas Valentine Bull greyhounds are in most cases no longer first crosses , but are now a type of their own . They are produced for hunting larger game , fox , badger and deer . Like dog fighters , the men who use this type of dog keep them contained and generally out of trouble ( but not always ) , it's when thsee dogs find themselves in a pet environment that the trouble begins . As far as this story goes people must realise that dogs do not have " friends " , they always get along until the moment they don't .
      • Elizabeth Honce So you can't outrun death, as they say.
      • Julia Lewis Nicholas Valentine, yes I know they are attack animals and you have to be careful of small dogs and puppies with them but usually they are meek and mild with people. Normal lurchers, I mean.
        Like213 hrs
      • Nicholas Valentine I was referring to dogs relationships with other dogs in general . Had a distraught phone call yesterday about another tragedy concerning two Jack Russell's and a Dachshund that were " friends " , the Dachshund is now dead .
        Like112 hrs
    • Olivia Wyatt When I get new neighbors in my neighborhood, i won't act friendly with the pit bull owners, but I will act friendly with those who seem nice and don't own pit bulls. Of course I don't act rude with the pit bull owners, I just avoid them like a disease.
    • Donnalyn Wigan I'm glad your friend wasn't injured!! What a horrible experience, especially with the owners basically blowing her off. Yes, anything with "bull" in it means bulldog/bull-baiting ancestry, and that means unstable.
    • Lesley Karen Luscombe Lots of these animals are being kept as part-time working dogs (lots of 'work' carried out surreptitiously at night - groups of lads on some kind of social blood spilling exercise) also posing as pets in Ireland. They are fondly called 'bully lurchers'. 

      I suspect once they hit the dog's homes and rescues, their primary part-time work is lost in translation, and they are pimped on as lovely pet dogs.

      Some of them are hard to spot, to be honest. You have to really look at the dog. Others are plainly obvious.

      Julia's friend's sister's dog has had a taste of its true self, throwing off its guise as full-time 'friendly pet', and no doubt enjoyed it all immensely. Given another chance, it'll act out again.
      Like116 hrs

And as you can see the sheep have been herded, they've adopted Julia's word of the day into their very limited vocabulary and are running with the story which is probably nothing more then a figment of Julia's imagination. 

All the usual haters are there except boofhead but I bet he won't be far way from chiming in with his typical banter usually revolving around promoting his ads featuring a picture of an American Bully but vilifying pit bulls obviously Jeff struggles to tell the difference?

These people care little for community safety as their daily attacks on shelters, rescues, pet owners and anyone opposing BSL are indicative of people willing to use any tactics they deem necessary to exterminate dogs in general but specifically pit bulls.

The fact remains the not one papered legitimate American Pit Bull Terrier has been involved in a human death.

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