Now it seems Julia can't see the irony of her own story in spite of all their claims about pit bulls not letting go of their prey this frail unwell 60 year old wrestled a "lurcher" off of her little pooch and actually dragged it into a room locking the door behind it and lived to tell her tale!
Don't be fooled by Bull Lurchers! (Pit bulls crossed with lurchers). They are not the same as ordinary lurchers as a friend of mine has just found out.
This friend got asked by her sister if she could pop in to see if her dogs were OK because she was going to be out all day.
My friend knows her sister's two dogs very well as does her own dog, a little roughcoated terrier cross. She knew the bull lurcher had become aggressive towards dogs when out on walks but thought it saw her dog Toby as a friend. She was totally unprepared for what happened.
As she let herself and Toby into her sister's home, the bull lurcher attacked Toby and clamped its jaws in a vice-like grip over his back.
My friend, who is in her late sixties, is small and frail and in bad health. She told me she didn't know where she got her strength from but when she saw Toby in the grip of this dog, she grabbed its collar and started hitting it until it finally let go.
But then it turned on her! Somehow, and she doesn't know how, she managed to wrestle it into the kitchen, still hanging on to its collar, and shut the door.
She then took Toby and drove to her son's house to tell him what had happened. She thought she was in control but when she started to tell him what had happened she burst into tears with delayed shock.
The sister turned up at her house the next day with a bunch of flowers, saying something must have set her dog off. (These people are the same the world over).
My friend was lucky. She found strength she didn't know she had and somehow managed it so the dog didn't get a grip on her. And Toby, though terrified, was only bruised.
I told her never to set foot in her sister's house again, unless they got rid of the dog.
I told her never to set foot in her sister's house again, unless they got rid of the dog.
I'd like to ask all the so called dog experts commenting below if their whole "it's in their genetics" Bs is for real how is it that any breed other then fighting dogs attack kill and maim humans , pets and farm animals alike?
I won't hold my breathe waiting for a response from these people as when asked the hard questions they resort to infantile name calling stalking and eventually doxing because the fact is their whole argument is based on lies from a washed up journo that's got skin as thick as a rhino with numerous articles, forums and blogs disputing every facet of his so-called stats which have never been peer reviewed which in itself is enough to have your average reasonably intelligent person can quickly discern and discard as the propaganda.
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And as you can see the sheep have been herded, they've adopted Julia's word of the day into their very limited vocabulary and are running with the story which is probably nothing more then a figment of Julia's imagination.
All the usual haters are there except boofhead but I bet he won't be far way from chiming in with his typical banter usually revolving around promoting his ads featuring a picture of an American Bully but vilifying pit bulls obviously Jeff struggles to tell the difference?
These people care little for community safety as their daily attacks on shelters, rescues, pet owners and anyone opposing BSL are indicative of people willing to use any tactics they deem necessary to exterminate dogs in general but specifically pit bulls.
The fact remains the not one papered legitimate American Pit Bull Terrier has been involved in a human death.
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