Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Lisa Black--Another HuffPo puff piece. If they want to dress their dogs in something that will make them look "less scary", why don't they try a muzzle?

Another HuffPo puff piece. If they want to dress their dogs in something that will make them look "less scary", why don't they try a muzzle?
Stephanie Karr lives in Canada, sews, and loves her doggies, so she's always made warm winter jackets for them. But in November of 2013, her thin-coated dog...
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  • 23 people like this.
  • Tricia Malone Trying to polish a turd once again, ridiculous.
    10 hrs · Like · 11
  • Julie Russell Weyer They should cover the whole ugly scarey face (but still muzzle it) IMO..
    10 hrs · Like · 4
  • Brad Cook How about a body bag?
    10 hrs · Like · 5
  • Julie Russell Weyer Even better!
    10 hrs · Like · 1
  • Dan Saeger Post links to recent maulings.
    9 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lisa Black I was thinking maybe surgical scrubs. Dr. Dawg the Rabid Surgeon.
    9 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Bev Sunshine Martin evil people created this type of "dog" for evil purposes, known as satan's "dog" I use the term dog loosely since they are mutations, they are evil and do satan's work by killing and maiming innocents, then the "cute" absolutely not really actually they are quite hideous "dogs" are pitiful because meeney people don't like them , they would never hurt anyone , yeah right ,remember thugs created these for a purpose they have evil in their hearts , the very idea of them are /were demonic...
    9 hrs · Like · 4
  • Lisa Black Yep. Created to generate money from blood, pain and death.
    9 hrs · Like · 3
  • Jeff Borchardt Dear Ms Huffington,
    This is in response to “Pit Bull Week” at the Huffington Post (July 28 to August 3, 2014). We, the undersigned, represent the bereaved family members and survivors of canine attacks and our mandate is to educate the public on the ob
    ...See More
    Read Open Letter in Full Dear Ms Huffington, This is in...
    8 hrs · Like · 8
  • Lisa Black I can't generate a stand-alone comment wherein to paste that without turning on Facebook apps, and I don't want to do that. If someone can do stand-alone comments on that article, that would be a good one.
    8 hrs · Like · 3
  • Rachel Simas Another money making scam. It's all to gain support for their kickstart idea and con people into giving them money. That's always their goal with their dogs, to make money. That's why they never get their dogs fixed either, so they can have a litter anytime and make a quick buck. Never mind the fact that they are creating the worse pet overpopulation problem this country has ever seen, so long as they can exploit their dogs for money somehow.
    8 hrs · Like · 6
  • Fataah Ewe' It's all about money.
    8 hrs · Like · 2
  • Tamara Timmermann I put it there as a stand alone comment. i'm on a laptop not a phone 
    8 hrs · Like · 2
  • Carol Miller A pit bull in a tutu or in pajamas is still a pit bull. Other breeds do not require this level of advocacy. There is a reason for that.
    8 hrs · Like · 8
  • Tamara Timmermann ...and put the link to the press release in a reply under my comment
    8 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeffrey Sloan I don't give a damn how you dress your mauler up. Just keep it contained so that it can not run free and kill. That's all I ask.
    7 hrs · Like · 5
  • Mike Drabik Ewww!!!
    2 hrs · Like
  • Andy Kliene fugly no matter how you put on the lipstick.
    2 hrs · Like · 2
  • Julie Wall Wow what an amazing backlash to this article. Way to but Arin Greenwood in her place. She has a lot of blood on her hands for not being honest about the true pit bull types.
    1 hr · Edited · Like · 2
  • Kimberly Riddle Lanka More HuffPoop... 

    That beast should be wearing black and white stripes or prison orange.
    1 hr · Like · 2
  • Andy Kliene "Her pajamas aren't just for big, blocky-headed dogs." Well, at least they admit pits are blockheads.
    1 hr · Like · 3
  • Jennifer Sue As the old saying goes... you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig!
    1 hr · Like · 3
  • Olivia Wyatt Yes and a hannibal the cannibal muzzle.
    1 hr · Like · 4
  • Lisa Black Maybe we should market cutesy muzzles. You know how they make the binkies for infants that look like buck teeth & such?
    1 hr · Like · 3
  • Chris Spanos Still the ugliest dogsI have ever seen!!!!
  • Jennifer Sue I'll take him please.