Monday, 2 February 2015


"Canine Boxer mix" ?

Vet Reports on Bosston:
From the Geneva Lakes 
Animal Hospital, printed on 03/11/2013 at 11:20am. 
Bosston, listed as a Canine Boxer mix, male, neutered. 
Color, Brindle, and weight is listed at 58 lbs. Date 
deceased is listed as 3/7/13. Vaccinations current on 
Rabies thru 9/12/14, Vaccinations overdue on Distemper 
on 9/12/12, Lyme Disease on 9/12/12, Fecal Examination 
on 9/12/12, and Heartworm (occult) on 01/18/12. The 
report goes on to list Bosston’s entire medical history, 
from 07/26/10 thru 06/27/12, which was the last time he 
was seen by a Veterinarian. There is also another page 
where it lists Bosston as a K-9 species, M, Boxer mix
Colors of Brindle/White with a dob of 04/21/10. No 
further information is listed on this page. There are also 
several pages of “charting” on Bosston, starting on 
6/7/10 for a “New Puppy Exam”, and ending 6/28/12 with 
a follow up on a leg issue.

Vet Reports on Penny:
From the Geneva Lakes Animal Hospital, printed on 
3/11/13 at 11:20am. Penny, listed as a Canine Pit Bull 
mix, female, spayed. Color, Brindle, and weight is listed 
at 49 lbs. Date deceased is listed as 3/7/13. Vaccinations 
were current on Rabies thru 9/12/14 and Fecal 
Examination thru 6/28/13. Vaccinations overdue on 
Distemper on 9/12/12, Heartworm (Occult) 9/12/12, and 
Lyme Disease 9/12/12. The report goes on to list 
Penny’s medical history, from 9/13/11 thru 07/16/12, 
which was the last time she was seen by a Veterinarian. 
There is also another page where it lists Penny as a K-9 
species, F, Boxer mix, Color of Dark Brindle with a dob 
of 04/21/10. No further information is listed on this page. 
There are also several pages of “charting” on Penny, 
starting on 6/7/10 for a “New Puppy Exam”, and ending 
6/28/12 with a Fecal Exam, and medication for treatment 
of worms. On the bottom of the last page of the charts, 
there is an “Alert” that says “Go Slow-Reactive”
Penny’s records also include forms from when she was 
spayed, one page is an authorization form. The owners 
did choose laser surgery and Pre-Anesthetic blood 
testing. There is also a Surgical Summary from her 
operation. Another form with her records appears to be 
blood work results. It was done at IDEXX Laboratories 
on 11/19/10, for a Female Canine Boxer named Penny
age months. It also lists the doctor as Cynthia Farris. 
The weight says 0.0 lbs. Lastly, there is a report from 
Urgent Care Veterinary Services, from 11/27/10. Penny is 
listed as Canine species, Pit Bull, 7 months old. She was 
seen for her incision from her spay surgery, which had 
opened up and was bleeding. The vet that treated Penny 
was Dr. Jeff Korosec, who was the same doctor that 
ended up euthanizing both dogs after the attack.

One is listed as a boxer mix, one as a pit bull mix, but 
they were brother and sister according to Susan. Go 

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