Saturday, 31 October 2015

Heidi Schold attacking a legitimate public awareness announcement!

These people attack legitimate community safety messages in their typical advocacy style things must be pretty slow in hater central if they're resorting to these types of tactics.

13 people like this.
Donnalyn Wigan Wouldn't the dog run in the opposite direction if it's terrified?
Like24 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe I do not LIKE this ad/meme/whatever it is.

It is making EXCUSES for a dog attack.

A frightened dog might slide backwards and bark - others might go skittering away down the hall like Road-runner, but they shouldn't (if they are a normal dog), remove the face of anyone knocking on a door at ANY time of year because they were 'terrified'.

I've seen a couple of our own people posting this in earnest - we need to THINK what is being suggested here. NO mention is made of putting the dog into another room and shutting the door, or crating it for the night, merely a tender moment of 'restraint'. 

- Your child doesn't LOOK like a normal child, therefore...
- My dog MAY have the right to feel 'terrified' and attack your child.
- I had my hand on his collar, but he was so 'terrified' he got away from me and tried to 'protect' me from the monsters at the door.

You can be absolutely sure that if a child (or more) gets mangled or killed on Hallowe'en, their door-knocking AND their appearance will be blamed. The 'terrified' dog will NOT be blamed.

This ad/meme focusses on the dog; how to protect your DOG from behaving like a Hallowe'en nightmare. It gives NO clear guidance on how to protect the innocent children who may come to your door smiling and leave your premises on a life-flight.
Like23 hrs

As you can see the original post was a legitimate public awareness post designed to protect children and pets but these pair of morons are making it all about pit bulls in spite of the fact it doesn't mention pit bulls maybe the Rescue Rangers don't subscribe to their madness which often leads to attacks like this  on legitimate rescue org's.

more to come.....

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