There's a new face over in hater central the pit bull problem June seems to be one of the more fanatical members of the Facebook group created out of a common hatred for pit bulls and a wish to exterminate them all.
Now one of the lines of attack they take is a nonsense argument that pit bulls kill because of their breed ie "Genetics" they often trot out videos of puppies they claim are herding at a very young age based on instinct needing no training as it's in their breed and they translate or try and associate this with why all pit bulls are going to kill it's just a matter of when not if.
Now if you look at the video it shows a young pup running around a pen chasing 4 young sheep back and forth and June thinks this is "herding" and it's comes naturally because of the pups breeding.
The irony is Junes dog looks like a pit bull or maybe she's hoping to fool pit bull owners into friend-ing her so she can share their pics and videos to her group.
Please check out the video in which June claims the pup is "herding" the sheep as opposed to just running around yapping chasing sheep and having a great time.
A good example of breeding and genetics at work. Breed matters!
La Guía Del Border Collie added a new video: Sheepdog puppy!
I have no idea if this border collie will work well for older or not with sheep... But win puts since then!
Even pure bred herding dogs have to be trained while they may have "instincts" that does equal ability and strangely I've seen video of ducks being used to train Kelpie puppies to herd.
"Herding breeds are born with an instinctive tendency to herd. But because most contemporary herding dogs live as companion animals, not workers, they may never come in contact with a flock of sheep or cattle to be driven. Your own herding dog's impulse to "round-up" might pop up when he nudges you toward the feeding dish or pushes the cats away from his favorite napping spot. A little training will cultivate his natural ability. In fact, even if your dog is not one of the herding breeds, he may still have the agility and intelligence to be trained to herd."
source: "Animal Planet"
How to Teach Your Dog to Herd: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
June seems obsessed with pit bulls and posts disturbing videos from youtube usually very graphic and often with her disturbingly biased narrative for instance I've read a lot of material regarding safely breaking up a dog fight and/or an attack on a human and not one article I read recommended all the things she describes they did to the dog involved in the incident in the post quite the contrary every article said to remain calm and coax not go bat shit crazy and starting tasing, bashing, kicking, punching, hitting with a bat club etc etc.
June typically when disputing that pit bulls are just dogs compares them dogs much smaller and a lot less physically capable breed/types or just lies.
Pit bull trying to kill a Husky..Multiple people beating it , batons used.. .pepper spray used ... even tasers used..NOTHING HAS ANY AFFECT WHATSOEVER.
These things are so determined to kill that often nothing will stop them other than killing them...WHICH FOR THE RECORD I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WITH, it's what should have happened here.
Pit advocates will desperately try and convince you that all breeds are the same and that pits are no different to any other dog..Really ? Can you really imagine a Springer Spaniel , Shepherd or collie doing this? neither.
These things are so determined to kill that often nothing will stop them other than killing them...WHICH FOR THE RECORD I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WITH, it's what should have happened here.
Pit advocates will desperately try and convince you that all breeds are the same and that pits are no different to any other dog..Really ? Can you really imagine a Springer Spaniel , Shepherd or collie doing this? neither.
It's looking more and more probable that June has been drinking the koole aide as she's becoming fanatical and even sharing dogfighting videos too adding her own little adjective laden narrative once again typically rich with propaganda.
Pit bulls covered in blood and joyously playing after mauling another pit through a fence. They aren't really fighting as the women in the video believes , they're actually playing, mauling and happy...doing what they love to do.
This feels good to a pit bull, that's why they do it.
This feels good to a pit bull, that's why they do it.
June is definitely a culty I would say consistently sharing graphic videos, pictures and stories of incidents alleged to have involved pit bulls she seems a bit fanatical I think the "frankenmauler" comment confirms as much?
Two other pit bulls hanging off its face and its tail never stops wagging..what pit advocates call " wiggle butts" .
Here she shares a video of a cat killed by a dog alleged to have been pit bull all with the motive to add her extreme but expected promotion of shooting the particular dog involved and any other pit bull too for that matter.
A real shame nobody had a needed a bullet. People are getting far too soft with these disgusting dogs.
And as you can see June will take advantage of every little chance she gets to vilify pit bulls and Staffy's too by the look of it and she's got a half a dozen or so friends every bit as hate full spurring her on it seems..
A women in a JRT group I'm in has posted that she's looking for a doggie friend for her tiny jrt. She admits her dog is quite bossy with other dogs and is looking for a breed that won't mind this..nothing dominant.
Then comes the killer..she thinking of rehoming a staffie!
Cue lots of comments from staffie owners telling her what a fantastic perfect choice she's made and to get a rescue because there are so many needing homes.
Because that's all that matters, getting a rescue staffie a home..the resident dogs safely and what's best for him doesn't matter to them at all.
Sigh... frown emoticon
Now June doesn't restrict herself to attacking pit bulls by sharing graphic and brutal videos she also shares intentionally misleading dangerous Meme's created by her friend the Ninja.
The fact is more then 30 breeds of dogs other then pit bulls have killed 128 people in America in the last decade alone.
Lesley Karen Luscombe added 24 new photos to the album Let's Hear It For The Nice Normal Dogs II.
(And let's also include the most abnormal dog of all)
Celebrating a brutal attack and sharing it with her own special narrative again relating to killing pit bulls only this times she takes it a step further suggesting they should of gutted the dog too and again the rest of the looney tunes join in for the fun.
Too bad they didn't have a sharper knife..they should have gutted it.
Warning - Graphic Video
Videos that contain graphic content can shock, offend and upset.
Are you sure you want to see this?
This is one of the more subtle posts at first glance until you realize the name of the page the post came from the newly created page to further promote their propaganda and disinformation.
PS check out the hash tags at the bottom of the post! these people are fanatics?
Junes hatred for pit bulls obviously runs deep as she must spend hours on the internet to find all these videos just so she can add her venomous narrative, and June the answers still the same over 30 breeds other then pit bulls have killed 128 people in America in the last decade.
Pit advocates will tell you that all dogs are the same..that any breed would do this and it's all how you raise them .They love to throw any and all other breeds under a bus.
How many other badly raised or not breeds do you ever see attacking with such blind determined ferocity?
How many other badly raised or not breeds do you ever see attacking with such blind determined ferocity?

Now June is your typical pit bull hate advocate insisting she's a public safety advocate in spite of backing and promoting legislation which does nothing to prevent another 128 victims of non pit bull types or breeds in the next decade too because the cold hard truth is the only people supporting breed specific legislation hate pit bulls more then they want to prevent more deaths as even if the legislation stopped all the pit bull fatalities there would still be 128 deaths in the next decade too under Bsl.
That's one a month every month for ten years?
more to come.....
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