Peoplebefore Pit Bulls
16 hours ago - Shared publicly
You do use multiple profiles, that was documented long ago all over the internet. All one has to do is block you Terry and a half dozen other names crop up as blocked. Other people aren't the stupid ones here.
You repeatedly admit on other sites to owning Pit Bulls, why are you ashamed of admitting to owning your breed on your profile?
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ooooh your getting butthurt because you can't get a rise out of me and you're not going to either,,,, firstly I don't own pitbulls so why and the hell would I lie about owning pitbulls? you're that deluded your making wild suppositions and then ranting off to a world of your on on the assumption your correct, and as for all my fake "profiles" that get blocked,, "everytime you block me" ?? (wtf?) lol!! I think you're actually confusing "pages" with "profiles" mmmk?,,, of course if you block me it'll auto block all my pages too?? so unfortunately that's another big fat fail!! lol!!
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You are confusing who said what, swearing, degrading, lying, backpeddling, and I am not getting a rise out of you? But you are correct, I am not, you are doing it to yourself.
Why would I know why you are denying that you own Pit Bulls? You tell me.
Yes, you have had your profiles blocked from most sites on the internet, which is why you are becoming so active here, you can't post anywhere else.
Why would I know why you are denying that you own Pit Bulls? You tell me.
Yes, you have had your profiles blocked from most sites on the internet, which is why you are becoming so active here, you can't post anywhere else.
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next you'll say your part of the majority yada yada yada blah blah blah! you're trying to be as nice as you can while still baiting me,,,, sorry,,, not going to happen unfortunately for you all you're doing is giving me more material to use and share on my blogs and fb pages, so by all means continue to fish for insults if you want but I'll tell for free and for certain,,,, I really don't care what you say because through your own admissions you have nothing but cheap parlor tricks and a clown juggling numbers! lol!!
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+Peoplebefore Pit Bulls this is a"blog", how can I be stalking you when I don't even know who you are??, assuming your name is not really Peoplebefore Pit Bulls! lol!! you really are funny eh!! I never said you admitted to anything,, lol!! wow, pass the dutchy to the left hand side, you take a bong! lol!! you go bomb bomb bomb! lol!

+S Wooley good question and there needs to be more done to take away the loop holes bad owners are using, all aspects of every fatal attack have to be fully investigated regardless of the breed, we want to stop all the deaths and not just the % involving bull type breeds?
Would that not be the same for humans genetically? Because our prison systems are expanding with more violent criminals, should we as a species be worried. That puts the dangerous threshold way out there seeing as our genetic programming would be the same as Bundy, Dahmer, Gace, et al. You see in the big book of things WE are all animals.

Humans are not purpose bred for specific behavioral traits, nor do they have such a restrictive gene pool as dogs. But if controlled "breeding" was done with humans, yes, you would get similar results. Extroversion, introversion, intelligence, dominance, submission, etc., are all genetic behavioral qualities that can easily recognized in many families today. Think about some families you know, look at your own family, do some of the kids act just like mom, how about dad?
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of course some children display traits of either or both parents and in some rare cases neither parents, what's that got to do with dogs as you said humans have never been Bred in that way and even if they were how would that bare any relevance to canines and their behavior and/or genetics, if I were the one to make any comparisons between children and dogs , you would quite rightly tell me there is no comparison between children and any animals? what point were you trying to make?
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It has everything to do with the genetic behaviors of living creatures. You correctly admit that a child can act as either parent, or share qualities of either or neither parent. What you omitted is that the child that exhibits qualities of neither parent does exhibit qualities of one or more people in its heritage, could be from a hundred years ago. Of course genetics is not that simplistic. I am not comparing children to dogs. I am explaining the genetics of behavior which applies to all living creatures.
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even if you are right there's no way to predict , quantify and/or identify any particular or given traits or behaviors, and if you could what would it achieve? and if it did "work" so to speak , where would it end? could that same prevention methodology then apply to humans assuming that's what your point is, (i'm still not really sure what you're trying to say)

False, when you choose specific behavioral genetics and breed to like genetics, a uniformity in behavior will appear and be consistent, such as one sees in dog breeds. It ends when desired behaviors peculiar to specific breeds to perform in specific venues such as pointing, hunting , flushing, herding, bull baiting, etc. is accomplished. The same methodology could be applied to humans. S Wooley asked: "How do you feel about human culpability with these attacks? Should dog owners be held accountable for the actions of their dogs?" To put it simplistically, I responded no, a dog is primarily its genetics to which he asked if the same could be said of humans. My answer was yes, and the explanation of genetics followed.
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oh, ok so I see why you commented and what your point was, I don't agree however, throughout the years I've seen all sorts/types/breeds of dogs do stuff not consistent with their breeding/types such as pointing,herding,swimming,fighting,hunting,holding, and catching etc,,, so no-one could say with any real definition what any human or dog for that matter is or is not capable of and to try and suggest any different is really an inane attempt to really dumb down something that is still beyond our grasp, the brain, unless you know something I don't of course?
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Obviously, I do. Backyard breeders ruin breeds with their lack of knowledge of genetics. The pups lose uniformity resulting in an increased risks of poor temperament. Couple that with a dog breed that has been bred for generations for animal aggression, a gripping fight style, gamebred (thrill killing) and to be a canine gladiator, and you have a high risk breed of epidemic proportions.
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well you obviously think you do but if you could prove that any of the dogs involved in DBRF's were actually APBT (which you can't, in fact you can't prove even one of them was?), I still wouldn't support BSL because it totally ignores the "non" pitbull victims.
What about all the "non" pitbull type/breed dogs that fight,bight and kill, what's their story? they have no excuse whatsoever? what's "causing" that?
What about all the "non" pitbull type/breed dogs that fight,bight and kill, what's their story? they have no excuse whatsoever? what's "causing" that?
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