Friday, 18 September 2015

Marisa Nordstrom is a pitbull expert, NOT!

The day I met Marissa Nordstrom started out as any normal day you know I finished my daily tasks got cleaned up had a feed and then relaxed in my reclining armchair and decided to check out what was happening on facebook.

In my newsfeed on fb there was a link to an article by Jeff Borchardt in his position at Daxton's friends he is using donations to run ads in newspapers in towns/counties where Breed specific Legislation is being discussed and the Aurora Sentinel advised him he'd have to remove political content or they'd pull his ad.

I made the mistake of pointing out to Jeff Borchardt that the dogs involved in the death of his son Daxton  (RIP) were listed in their vets reports as "Boxer mixes" and crikey all hell broke loose he accused me of victim bashing and set his possy of Bsl groupies on to me so when I see anything on the web with his name I check it out.

Well I should of known better eh...

Terry - If you can answer my question(s) truthfully, I'll decide if you own a pit, since pit owners have lots of interesting names for their "pets". What kind of dog do you own, Terry? We want just facts.
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      sorry to disapoint you Marisa but i own harlequin dane cross neopolitan mastiffs?? and you can decide anything you want because no-one is taking any notice of your fanatical rants?
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          How do you know it's not a pit bull since you and your people claim "nobody can identify a pit bull".
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              Terry, not every sentence is a question. Please learn about periods.
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                So you own a supersized pit bull. Pit Bull fraud-author Ken Foster speculated in his Youtube interview about the March 2014 mauling of a four year old Houma, LA, breeder's child. He speculated killer stud 135lb. Nikko was supersized through increasing the Mastiff. You gotta German Mastiff (Dane) crossed with a Italian Mastiff. An Italian mastiff just killed a child family member. Mastiff's belong in zoos, not strutted, one in each hand, in public parks and neighborhoods, like walking cows down the sidewalk. Get a real identity, like an occupation. If you have one, what do you do with your dog-cow during the day? So, what's the pit bull picture/moniker that goes with your name? Is that dog dead like Jeff Daniel's Bella he still misleads his YouTube video viewers about?
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                    well once again Maryann you've topped yourself, so a harlequin great dane is a mastiff?? LOL!!! and a NEO mastiff is a "french Mastiff?? and both are oversized pitbulls?? lol!!! My profile pic is the perfect example, that dog would be seized for being a "pitbull" under BSL whereas it's not a pitbull?? it's one of my dogs, a neo mastiff dane cross, and you've proved my point by assuming it's a pitbull?? and once agaim thank you for demonstrating to all the "normal" people how a pitbashing fanatic thinks?? you are the main feature on my foamer page thank you for all the great stuff you post it makes our job easier!! oh and FYI i'm a pensioner, disability, i have emphacina, oh and FYI neo mastiffs are not french!! lol!! blink blink
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                        If you can call me Maryann, I can call an Italian Mastiff a French one. The only difference is the invisible country line. In any case I corrected my original remark, but you haven't corrected any of yours because yours are intentional lies whereas mine is an admitted mistake. The other half of your pit type bulldog mastiff cross absolutely is a German Mastiff, aka a Great Dane ("Harlequin" adds nothing to it; good grief man, you don't even recognize a pit bull). READERS I challenge you to compare the pit bull dog in Terry Holt's moniker next to his name (click on it for an enlarged view) with the 130lb. pit bull dog called Niko that killed four year old Mia DeRouen in Houma, LA, in March 2014. Mastiff bull dogs kill little girls eating popcorn with their mommas while they watch TV. Took over a dozen bullets for cops to stop that crazed stud mastiff pit type dog being bred and pimped by the little girl's father (he's taken his web stuff down, it was all over the internet for a while after the death). Here's a link to the story and a picture of the dog you can compare with Terry Holt's monster dog:

                  Marissa seems to have some pretty strong opinions on dog breeds and anything else you ask her about obviously not all based on legitimate research though as indicated by her extremely strange claims regarding breed heritage and association and to be honest, I thought I heard it all when Jeff Borchardt said he was a K9 expert one minute and the next minute he said American Bulldogs were actually American Pit Bull Terriers!

                  Anyone with any knowledge of such things know too well that's not true American Bulldog are not pitbulls and were never used as fighting dogs in a pit the american Bulldog is the original all round farm,livestock,bird, and family dog that helped tame the wild west early farmers and families alike would have been unable to survive without their Bulldog.....

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