The next time you use my name in your highly published, extremely reputable blog, please spell my last name right. Act like a professional. Ty.
11 hours ago
sorry how did I spell your name? it was not intentional sorry
3 hours ago
You left out the o, lol. No biggie. I am surprised you replied to me, but since you did, can we discuss the BSL/pit bull issue?
First, I apologize for calling you a little twerp. I try not to resort to name calling, just had a moment of weakness.
I am off to work, but I would definitely be interested in why you seem so adamant in defending the breed, given the abundance of evidence before us that these dogs are dangerous and highly unpredictable.
I accept your apogy and yes of course we can discuss the issues, but I'm not defending a breed ? I oppose Bsl because in my opinion it doesn't address all the deaths by dog but focuses on specific breeds ?
apology not apogy
So you do agree that pit bulls are dangerous and should not be kept in homes that children live in?
no i agree that they don't kill all the victims so bsl won't work?
that's why i oppose bsl it has nothing to do with pitbulls
mate honestly i done a blog on craven desires today they 157 likes after a year and a half of being active? doesn't they suggest aomething regarding the support you all allege to enjoy? have you seen the pitbull pages with millions of likes and not just one there's a couple?? and with an estimated 4-6 million pitbulls in Ammerica alone what do you all expect to acheive when there's only about 260 of you really???
232 likes and I don't run the page there's only a post when there's a victim no pitbull victims here, what about these victims?
about an hour ago
Well, some among up hope to eradicate the breed. thats foolhardy and wont happen. what i hope to achieve is educating the general public on the dangers of owning a pit bull. would you agree that they are responsible for more fatalities than all other breeds combined?
well see therein lays one of my issues, "pitbulls" is a term not a breed? American Pit Bull Terrier that is a breed and if you 're asking if I agree that APBT's are responsible i have to dis-agree, i think any breed or type of dog that attacks and kills is dangerous on that we can agree?
honestly if you guys dropped the whole pitbull vendetta and remove that word from your vocab and go after dangerous dogs no matter what the breed and dangerous owners after all that's where the root of the problem lays, your support would go through the roof you'd have mine for a start?
Ok, your use of question marks is seriously hurting your message. You seem to use them when you don't need them, or are you questioning everything you say?
As far as our conversation, when I use the term pit bull, I am referring to the APBT, so try not to get hung up on terminology.
Now, if you could, answer my last question please, and I'll reword it with a time frame: in the past ten years, do you agree that pit bulls, whether pure bred or mixed, are responsible for more fatalities than all other breeds combined?
And as far as vendetta, I can only speak for myself when I say I have no vendetta against pit bulls. I have a serious problem with people keeping these dogs as house pets while underestimating their abilities, and remaining oblivious to their capabilities.
I'd have to say no, speaking for Australia, that sounds more like an owner issue then a dog issue, do you agree if they dropped the pitbull and just focused on dangerous dogs regardless of breed thEy'd gain more support quicker and as a result stand to prevent more victims?
will you agree the one common denominator in every death is a bad owner?
i would agree bad owners are the problem. and yes, focusing on dangerous dogs instead of pit bulls would garner more support. The problem then would be determining what dogs are dangerous. can we call a dog dangerous simply by its breed, or must we wait until a dog proves itself dangerous before subjecting it to legislation?
all the leading animal organizations say no and the fact that non pitbulls kill too I'd say they're right, unfortunately trying to "predict" or "assume" anything based on breed or type only serves to stopping those particular types and breeds and does nothing to address the over all problem which is not a "breed" problem, it's human problem?.
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