Friday, 26 December 2014


City of El Dorado Animal Control Long as they leave me alone. U look at the dogs n the face they look like Bassett hounds with bulk and a walker hound.

A STRINGENTLY enforced PIT BULL BAN would have prevented this tragedy. Now, run your ignorant mouths, bully owners....pit bulls are eating their owners and their owners' children frequently also, so I really do not want to hear about how your f'n pit would just lick me to death. I want them all BANNED everywhere, get it? ENOUGH ALREADY

They were bred over 200 years ago in England, fought originally in coal pits in Staffordshire, England, and, sad to say, yes, they are beasts, grotesque beasts created by dog men who wanted the best fighting dog possible....and GOT it. And THAT'S what is sitting in your living room "licking you to death". I just hope for your sake and any kids you have that the licks do not become "grip and tear", bred into the fighting pits also

Sonny boy, I am almost 62 years old and have been watching this train wreck for over 40 years. Dog fighting was made illegal in all 50 states in 1976. Did dog fighting end? Of course not. It's probably worse than it ever was. You pibble owners, or, rather, the ones of you who keep them as "pets" are providing perfect "cover" for the dog fighters. Many of the dogs that you people are obtaining from shelters and rescues are "culls" from dog fighting operations. Bait dogs, many of them. And THIS is what you want around any children you have? Insanity is what it is. But keep dreaming. I hope your dream does not turn into a nightmare one day as it has for hundreds of people this year and thousands of pets and livestock animals this year. Doofus.

You sound downright happy that pit bulls are mauling, maiming and killing more people, pets and livestock animals than all other breeds combined. That makes you happy? Well, that's kinda' perverted of you

Thank you, Yotie. Blame the Mom time! Or blame the owners or blame the weather or blame the time of day. Pit freaks will go to ANY length to defend a breed that should NEVER have been bred in the first place

Watch out now, or you'll twist yourself into a pretzel with all of that serious grappling for an excuse that will excuse this maiming by pit bulls.

Typical lovely pit bull vicious as their maulers. Not at all surprising. Not at all.

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