Tuesday 18 November 2014

Little White Lies Confirmed

Little White Lies Confirmed

You all will recall a previous article “Little White Lies” where WICL was informed of a particular Dogsbite.org supporter Francisco claiming to be a Navy LT. Well we here at WICL like to confirm our research and information that is given to us., and we have done just that!
Take a look at a report that verifies that Dogsbite.org support Francisco Moffa aka Anthony Michael Ridge is NOT in the Navy. He also is NOT being deployed on Monday.
That doesn’t stop him from continuing this sick act of attention.

What infuriates me in this sick plea for attention is the people that welcome someone like this into their circles such as Jenni Sue, Carol, all big Dogsbite supporters. Doesn’t Colleen and the others care that someone has the nerve to claim he is serving his country, when men and women are fighting in combat day in and day out, some losing their lives for our freedom? This behaviour is SICK and I hope there is legal ramifications for this LIE.
In my opinion, this isn’t a little white lie, this is a slap in the faces of every man and woman who has put on a uniform,  in any armed service in ANY country.  This isn’t just a lie, this is breaking the law. But in the eyes of the Anti Pit Bull community this liar is an advocate for their cause. This liar will remain within their circles simply because they don’t care what he has done or continues to do, as long as he hates PIT BULLS. This liar is a disgrace to every American on both sides of the fence. This liar, in my opinion is a CRIMINAl. If he or others doesn’t feel his actions is criminal well take a look at the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 which clearly says  as of June 2013, it is a  “federal crime for an individual to fraudulently hold oneself out to be a recipient of any of several specified military decorations or medals with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit.”   – See more at: http://www.legion.org/legislative/215862/stolen-valor-act-2013-signed-law#sthash.3QzRmnHG.dpuf
Breaking the laws is ok once again for Dogsbite.org supporters, and “Little White Lies” can continue, just as long as you follow the hate. Unacceptable behavior from anyone and the people that support this liar aren’t any better!

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