Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Foamer attacks are always possible.

Leading experts from around the world who have years of training studying the Foamer community compile their data yearly to help us accurately keep track of Foamer incidents nationwide except for Canada and Mexico (our budget isn’t that big). This agency is known as the CFC – The Center for Foamer Control.

Our experts have sent informative questioners through out the states to medical and mental health professions to help gather Non Foamer interactions with Foamers data.

Each question is scientifically proven to help understand the rising levels of insanity in the Foamer community and the threat they pose to our community and to the National Security.

According to the CFC (Center for Foamer Control) they stopped recording Foamer attacks by gender and instead of recording “Foamer man” and “Foamer woman” they simplified it to just “Foamer”.

The CFC reports that with the growth of the population it makes sense that the percentage of Foamers would grow slightly. As troubling as that might seem at first glance, the CFC assures us that it’s normal.
According to these charts from 2011 to 2013 it seems as if the Foamer population hasn’t grown much:

In conclusion, The CFC concludes that there will always be Foamers and that means Foamer attacks are always possible. Foamer Education is the best way to avoid or lesson your irritation when having the unfortunate Foamer interaction.

Tips for avoiding Foamer attacks:

Never feed the Foamers
Leave Foamers alone while they are eating.
Do not approach stray Foamers.
Never leave children, dogs,cats and the elderly alone and unsupervised with Foamers.
Please make sure Foamers are S/N and up to date on their vaccinations.
When a Foamer is approaching, don’t yell and run. Stand perfectly still, don’t make eye contact and pray they just don’t see you.

Don’t be part of the problem! Be proactive and help keep the Foamer population down. FBL (Foamer breed legislation) are being enacted daily nationwide!

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