Friday, 3 October 2014

Nobody is safe from their hatred.

Nobody is safe from their hatred.

EDIT: Aww..guess this was a fake email. It wasn’t vetted so my bad. Doesn’t change the fact that the disgusting meme was posted by Balduc and Bogart is trumpeting his “TRIUMPH” at catching us in a “Lie” or in cahoots with some other Facebook page or some nonsense. Whatever. Nobody is perfect. Difference is? We’ll admit when we get fooled.
A few days ago one of the “Breast Cancer Awareness” sites on Facebook posted this lovely picture. For those who DON’T know..that isn’t a baby. It’s a doll. It’s a cute picture. That’s all it is. And it’s been around for YEARS which is why we know it’s a doll.
breast cancer3
Chris Balduc, who we already talked about here decided to drag out this old wonder of his and post it in the comments section under the picture.
breast cancer2
These people have NO limits, no boundaries. There is nobody they won’t harrass, try to intimidate, use and exploit for their “cause”. It’s one of the most disgusting displays I have ever witnessed. Do you think the parents of this little girl would be happy to know that her picture is being used to harrass Breast Cancer patients (victims)? I’m guessing no.
And the people from the Breast Cancer Awareness site don’t either.
breast cancer
Chris Balduc, you and your friends wonder why nobody takes you seriously. This might be a big part of the equation.

4 thoughts on “Nobody is safe from their hatred.

  1. Debra Harding
    Oh My Gosh!!! He did not seriously drag that stupid disgusting meme out again!!?? Did he not learn his lesson when it was taken down from their own page as being inappropriate?? (Even though I am pretty sure that was done only as a concession to complaints and was not a sincere retraction of opinion) I swear if I were that child’s mother that man would not know a safe place on this earth. I’m sure it will be said my comment is threatening.

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