Thursday 11 September 2014

hate group slander against Reunion Rescue:

hate group slander against Reunion Rescue:
Cindy Marabito added 3 new photos — with Karen Batchelor and 21 others.
Daily ongoing slander against my rescue by the hate group...for over two years, this SFACC organized hate group has been attacking my rescue, my articles and myself. The continually make nasty slurs whenever Reunion Rescue tries to raise money for a new van or a water purification system.
These people are not in rescue, however support rescues which kill innocent animals and the Houston SPCA which kills all pit bulls.
They are close with Rebecca Katz who we believe organized the hate movement in the first place and 'leaked' falsified documents to the leader who used to work for Facebook to publish accusing me of killing and maiming animals.
These are dangerous people and have been aligned with Dawn James and the pit bull hate group Craven Desires.
One of the most vicious is guilty of falsely accusing Reunion Rescue of taking money for witch voodoo cures, a dangerous and outright lie. They've used their hate group leader's association with Facebook to remove Home Remedies to Heal Animals Facebook page which has helped thousands of pets with our homeopathic and herbal suggestions.
The angry poster also had our first Wobbies page removed as she supports backyard breeding.
These are very nasty people who seem to have made a full time job of trying to ruin Reunion Rescue....these same individuals over and over, day in and day out....a full time job of hating

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