Friday 9 October 2015

Cindy M Ballard hates kimberly more then she hates pit bulls and she's created a pretty ordinary blog to let the world know!!

Cindy really hates Kimberly from "Zombies & Dogs" because she exposes all Cindy's antics in her blogs and now Cindy has created her own blog and it's obviously her first attempt because to be honest it's pretty ordinary even by foamer standards.


In one of the blogs Cindy claims I am Kimberly's husband which is simply not true, I know of Kimberly but we are not friends, yes I have re-blogged some of Kimberly's blogs because I thought they were good.

I'm pretty sure the picture Cindy posted with the link to her new blog is actually Kimberly which isn't surprising what's surprising is that Cindy didn't meme the picture with lies and personal details as is normal anti pit bull proponent operating procedure 101.

The fact is Cindy if you want us to stop exposing your stupidity and complete lack of either empathy or compassion just stop posting the nasty stuff you do and making the comments you do and we'll have nothing to expose??

more to come no doubt......

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