Friday, 2 January 2015


What was the most read blog post of ALL time on DogsBite (from 2007 to 2014)? Beyond the Interview - Essay of a Fatal Pit Bull Mauling. The 8,500 word essay details the fatal pit bull mauling of Daxton Borchardt on March 6, 2013 in Walworth County, ‪#‎Wisconsin‬ ‪#‎JeffBorchardt‬ ‪#‎Babysitter‬‪#‎Pitbullowner‬ ‪#‎Pitbull‬ ‪#‎Attack‬ ‪#‎Myth‬
The blog tracks U.S. dog bite fatalities, dog bite statistics, severe pit bull attacks, breed-specific dangerous dog laws and dog bite victims' issues.
  • 22 people like this.
  • Amy Sund Kaylor This is heart wrenching, but truth needs to get out. Our family is a victim of the same dog mauling our dog and then our foreign exchange student and the dog remains at home after a year long battle in the courts. I just don't get it. SMH.
    1 · 1 hr
What was the most read blog post of 2014 on DogsBite? The fatal attack of Mia DeRouen, killed by her family's 130lb pit bull that police shot 13 times. The post also located the dog owner's kennel business and showed readers "designer" XL, XXL pit bull breeding. ‪#‎MostRead‬ ‪#‎MostPopular‬‪#‎Pitbullowner‬ ‪#‎PitbullsofInstagram‬ ‪#‎Pitbull‬ ‪#‎Houma‬ ‪#‎Louisiana‬ ‪#‎RIP‬
The blog tracks U.S. dog bite fatalities, dog bite statistics, severe pit bull attacks, breed-specific dangerous dog laws and dog bite victims' issues.
  • 48 people like this.
  • Guy Guernsey According to what I read , Pit bulls avg killing a human every 21days. Again, I'm just going by National statistics. I think the more the statistics are known more people will held accountable. My choice would be a German Shepherd, but with 8 grandchildren I choose not to risk that either.
    10 · 20 hrs
  • Beverly Balius I know they average at least 1 kill every week somewhere in this nation alone, also other countries.. When I was a little girl, living in the country, peeople had hunting dogs, before they were realeased out of their pens, because that's what you do with certain types of dogs (not bring them in you're house and treat them like a yorkie),,, Before they were realeased, the men would say "Put the children inside the house, the little ones.. That people is called COMMON SENSE, some Morons today don't have it.
    4 · 19 hrs
  • Guy Guernsey Sad ! The number 1 killing machine
    4 · 21 hrs
  • Bea Kennedy This is so sad. Why do parents insist on trusting this breed around their children??
    9 · 21 hrs
    • Mylea S. Hooton Because my children are 100% safer with their loving guardian. 
      1 · 20 hrs
    • Tory Bischone Actually the pitbull terrier was bred as a "nanny dog" for many hundreds of years because they're actually so good w kids. Look it up.
      2 · 20 hrs
    • Beverly Balius You are dinking the kool aide. The Nanny dog myth is a lie.. It was made up. Yes they show you turn of the century pic's, but research shows , its made up. It's CRIMINAL to expose and jeapordiz you're children. This won't stop untill parents start getting jailtime.
      4 · 20 hrs
    • Sarah Howard Yep yep, and youd better be alarmed. Over 42 people killed in 2014 and increasing in number of attacks of people, pets and livestock. The tipping point will come.
      1 · 19 hrs
    • Rachel Horn Litle Your pit bull is a "nice" dog?......awesome. But it's not all about YOU and YOUR dog. Research the national statistics!!!!!!
      2 · 18 hrs
    • Bea Kennedy They were bred for fighting.
      1 · 18 hrs
    • Bea Kennedy I just read another tragic story from the Pitbulls attacked my pet site and two pits killed a full grown German Shepard. Look up the site John. You will see all the tragic stories.
    • Bea Kennedy Yep that's their "go to " comment about pits from their admirers. Guess they think if they say it often enough they can brain wash the smart group of ppl who know better.
    • Bea Kennedy Johnny couldn't handle the truth. Too bad.
      1 · 15 hrs
  • Jeff Cox Just another nanny dog?? Or a pit doing what it was it was bred for??
    2 · 18 hrs
  • Michelle McCain Yep, I wonder how many maulings and lives are lost before something is done with this breed?
    2 · 19 hrs
  • Karen Eve Awful! I believe the least we can do is require owners to muzzle them outside since we can't control what they do inside this will at least protect people kids and pets... Just in case
    5 · 21 hrs
    • Guy Guernsey I'm just going by National dog bite statistics.
      1 · 20 hrs
    • June Barker I am absolutely terrified when I go out to walk my dog , since there are several pits in my neighborhood. And no where is safe. My dog has been attacked twice by pitbulls, ( I am very thankful that they were not serious injuries or death. ) Both times, a pitbull charged from across the street while I was walking my dog on a leash. When a person is killed every 20 days , think of all the maulings or just any attack that is not reported! I am sure it is a very high number of victims. I tried writing a letter to the town , which only fell upon deaf ears, but I am not going to give up my fight to have these dogs under more control. It is up to us , to keep up the fight.
    • James Roth Some nanny dogs are strict I say
    • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo You'd think people would care more for the victims...but I guess the killer is the only victim, right...

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