Sunday, 1 November 2015

Nancy Perdue is butt-hurting bad because pit bull petitions have more signatures then her so called victim petitions.

Nancy Perdue is getting all butthurt because pit bull petitions are getting more signatures then their alleged victim petitions the fact is their petitions are made to create victims of innocent family pets around the world and have little to nothing to do with community safety.

So stupid that there are more signatures in a petition to save a Pitbull, than there are for petitions that support Pitbull victims. Just shows us there are still too many people that are still stupid about what these dogs are.…
4 people like this.
Tony Solesky Yeah but most people are so supportive of what we do they are passive that all. We are the majority.
Like47 hrs
Marc Brown Most of us have jobs and are doing something useful in the world. It's the nutters who are mostly living on our tax dollar, so they have all day to sit around signing petitions. 

Don't forget that about 60% of them have strong anti-social personality 
traits and some kind of criminal record. I'm speculating that an unusually large proportion of them are unemployed because they're unemployable. (too dumb, too dangerous, generally too mentally disturbed, and/or faking a disability).

Like11 hr
Susan George As often as possible, please work it into public comments that these "rescue" people are nothing but 501(c)(3) welfare moms!

Tony Solesky tries in vein to convince Nancy they're the majority which is obviously a desperate lie as with much of what Tony says, he ran for Baltimore City Council and only managed to get 0.1% of the vote which is hardly a majority is it Tony? Pmsl!!!

Susan George is still following the latest antics by the pro breed specific legislation crowd by attacking legitimate rescue organizations and as such putting every animal in the shelter at risk just so they can get at pit bulls meanwhile the boofhead DJ squanders donations on radio ads, newspaper ads and roadside bill boards attacking pit bulls but displaying a picture of an American Bully he obviously can't tell the difference?

Marc Brown is just one of the sheep that follows the lead of his peers attacking rescues and shelters and generally bullying pit bull owners promoting Merritless and Culleen propaganda and is one of the few cultists that don't list their employ as safety advocate! pmsl!!!!

more to come.....

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Lesley Karen Luscombe attacking another legitimate rescue because she can't identify a pit bull from a dalmation mix!

Lesley Karen Luscombe is attacking another legitimate rescue organization and she still can't identify pit bulls either.

As their killing spree campaign crumbles around their ears they seem to be consistently attacking rescue organizations obviously not caring that they put the chances of rescues of all the animals at risk by disrupting the operations of the rescue in order to try and kill pit bulls.

Oooo, look - more Gripper pups out of my very 'favourite' Pit Bull hustlers, Fairfax County Animal Shelter.
No mention of breed (they don't do that for Pit Bulls - they call them 'medium brown dogs' or 'spotted dogs'), but it's clear what they are.
Pit Bulls.
MORE dangerous home-bred Pit Bulls to pimp onto the public.
Fairfax County Animal Shelter
rable spotted puppies yesterday morning! Mom and pups are doing well and getting to know each other. Aren't they adorable?! We'll keep you posted as they grow!
5 people like this.
Heidi Schold 10 adorable small dog killers smile emoticon awwww how not sweet
Like514 hrs
Mary Papin It's interesting that so many shelters and *rescues* are actively whelping and raising litters of puppies to sell. In the old days a PG female would have been spayed on intake. Now there is a shortage of marketable puppies (of any type) so they are *fostering out* the PG bitches and when the pups are of age they are sold as "rescues".
Like814 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe Yes, I understand that goes on, Mary. Quite disgusting.

This creature, though, appears to have a genuine back-story.

Here is the initial thread about her.
Fairfax County Animal Shelter
ck for her, but with the temperatures dropping as the sun set, he knew he couldn't leave her. He bundled her up and brought her to the shelter, and we quickly discovered that she was quite pregnant. Elsa has since been sent off to a foster home where she can deliver her puppies, and we suspect that they will arrive any day now! We'll keep you all posted with any updates about this lovely mama dog and her (soon-to-be-here) puppies!
Like114 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe Please read the comments from the adoring public for those gripper pups, everyone.

One numb-nut at LEAST thinks they are Dalmations.

The average age of the admirers appears to be late teens to early 20s. They are absolutely CLUELESS.

See the comment that requires translation - now THAT is interesting. She rejects the idea of a pup because of the dangers of the breed.

Also see the comment where someone tells everyone that the Shelter doesn't give breed names because it 'could be anyone's guess'.

No, it would our TRUTH. They all know exactly what that dog is and what her pups are.
Like314 hrs

These people really don't care that people know their true intentions as they're obviously finally coming to the realization that we've known for years, Breed Specific Legislation is doomed mainly because it doesn't work.

More to come.....